The International Center
608 South College Avenue

A Home Away From Home.
The Christian Campus House (CCH) International Ministry is a place learn more about American culture and traditions, find help with conversational English, experience unique events and trips, and develop friendships along the way! David Sowers, Buck Salem, Dennis and Linda Messimer are our staff members who are specifically dedicated to ministering to International students.
What is CCH?
The Christian Campus House is a group of people who come together to worship God, learn about God through studying and following the Bible, and serve others by offering love and kindness. Our purpose is simple: Honor God. Love People.
Our Hope for You
CCH has developed a number of practical programs designed to help you as you adjust to life in Columbia. Most of these programs are listed below. We also know that it is extremely valuable for you to form friendships with members of your host country. We would like to offer our friendship and help you make connections within the larger community, so that your experience in America is enriching and fulfilling outside of your academic work as well as within.
And finally, because we know that many of you have heard ideas about God, The Bible and Christianity, we invite you to ask us questions you are curious about. We warmly welcome you to study the Bible with us and hear its message first-hand. Our goal is to serve you during your time in Columbia. Through this, our hope is that you would gain an accurate understanding of God and might see and experience an example of genuine Christian life and worship.
English Language Partners
Part of the reason you have come to the US may be to improve your English language skills. With this program, we arrange for you to meet with an American language partner every week to practice spoken English. Over the years, we have found that this program is also one of the best ways to develop friendships and experience life in your host country.
Bicycle Lending Program
Transportation can be a problem in American cities, like Columbia. While we cannot help you purchase a car, we can provide a bicycle for you to use for a semester. Please contact Dennis Messimer at
Furniture Assistance
CCH has a small collection of furniture and access to vehicles that can transport large items. We may be able to provide some pieces that you may need and/or help you transport furniture to make your living arrangements more livable. Text or call David Sowers at 573-999-6448 for more information.
Several times throughout the year, CCH International will arrange activities to surrounding cities or towns. These trips may last anywhere from half a day to weekend trips where we stay up to two nights at our destination. To be notified of these trips, go to the section under CCH International called “Register with Us” (below).
Upcoming events:
International Hike and Picnic at Rock Bridge State Park. Sunday, September 11th, 2:00 p.m. If you need a ride, please show up at CCH by 1:45 p.m. and also contact David and Dennis at or text David at 573-999-6448. This is a fun event where we go on a hike at the beautiful Rock Bridge Memorial State Park and follow the hike with a picnic in one of the park shelters.
International Fishing Event at a nearby pond. Saturday, September 17th, 2:00 p.m. This is a fun event where we fish and then eat a picnic meal in the evening after the fishing is done. If you need a ride, please contact David or Dennis at or text David at 573-999-6448.
If you plan to attend any of these events, please let us know ahead of time. Thanks!
International Women’s Outreach
Every Thursday morning from 10:00-11:30 a.m., CCH women host English classes and other enjoyable activities for international women. Transportation for those without vehicles is provided. Childcare is provided at CCH for those mothers with children.
Contact Us
You may contact us with other questions by calling our main office at 573-442-6443 or by texting or calling David Sowers at 573-999-6448. He oversees our international ministry. You may also email him at
Feel free to fill out the form below so we can connect with you and help you in any way we can!